The minister of Housing, Michelle Sol, highlighted through her account in X the closing of the delinquency rate of the Fondo Social para la Vivienda (FSV) in 2024, which reached a historic 1.93% in december. He explained that this figure is a reflection of the commitment of salvadoran families to pay their housing installments, which guarantees a healthy and stable loan portfolio.
The monthly behavior of the delinquency rate showed a downward trend throughout the year. In january, the indicator stood at 2.20%, but it progressively decreased, passing through figures such as 2.09% in july and 1.99% in october, until reaching 1.93% in december. This performance is a clear indicator of financial stability in the social housing sector.

“These numbers not only show that families are prioritizing their housing obligations, but also represent a positive message for builders and developers”, said minister Sol. She said that the stability of the FSV portfolio reinforces confidence in the country’s housing finance system.
In addition, the minister highlighted that this low default facilitates access to external financing with better interest rates. This translates into a direct benefit for salvadorans, as it allows the FSV to increase the number of loans granted, thus promoting access to decent housing.

With this annual closing, the FSV reaffirms its role as a key institution for promoting social housing in El Salvador, maintaining solid indicators that ensure both access to resources and the confidence of families and investors.