An investment of more than US$900,000 from the Ministry of Housing has been allocated to deed processes, enabling more Salvadoran families to obtain legal certainty over their properties. This investment is part of a broader effort to guarantee access to decent and legally backed housing.

Press Secretariat, Office of the President of the Republic of El Salvador
The minister of Housing, Michelle Sol, informed that the total investment in deeds and housing loans has exceeded US$900 million during the administration of President Nayib Bukele. The funds come from the Fondo Social para la Vivienda and the Fondo Nacional de Vivienda Popular, benefiting more than 51,000 families.
The Housing System reports an accumulated investment of US$1,016.2 million in loans, deeds, and resettlement, which has allowed more than 112,000 families nationwide to have access to a home of their own with proper documentation.

Minister Sol emphasized that, in addition to access to housing, another key factor in improving the quality of life of salvadorans has been security. “Now families can look for housing in areas where it was previously impossible, such as Soyapango, Altavista and Ilopango”, she said.

The Ministry of Housing maintains as a priority to generate opportunities for more salvadorans to have access to home ownership, guaranteeing the legal and financial support necessary to achieve this.
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