We have all felt at some point that the money we earn is not enough to buy what we want. It’s quite normal and confirms that it’s a scarce resource. It always runs out. That is why it is important to know how to allocate it or rather spend it wisely and direct it towards what matters most to us.
Here are some tips to spend wisely:
1. Prioritize needs: Identify what you really need and differentiate between needs and wants to avoid impulse purchases.
2. Shop with a list: Always carry a list when shopping to avoid buying unnecessary things.
3. Research prices: Compare prices in different stores or platforms before buying. Look for deals and discounts.

4. Avoid debt: Use credit with caution. Pay debts on time to avoid high interest rates.
5. Buy in bulk: For products you use frequently, consider buying in bulk to save in the long run.
6. Invest in quality: Sometimes spending a little more on durable products can be cheaper in the long run than buying cheap and having to replace them.

7. Monthly budget: First of all, establish a budget that includes your fixed income and expenses. This will help you have a clear control of your finances.
By implementing these tips, you will be able to better manage your expenses and improve your financial health.