During the recent plenary session, two projects aimed at improving employability in the country were approved, receiving overwhelming support with 57 votes in favor. These programs, under the responsibility of the Ministerio de Economía (MINEC), will receive financing from the Banco Internacional de Reconstrucción y Fomento (IBRD) for their effective implementation.
The amount requested is US$297,696, which will be used mainly to activate the first component of the Program to Promote Employability and Improve Access to Salaried Employment. This effort is aimed at strengthening young people’s skills and facilitating their insertion into the labor market, as well as improving entrepreneurial opportunities in various communities.
One of the central objectives of these programs is to provide access to employment for young people and vulnerable groups by strengthening their technical skills. Through the implementation of business support strategies, it is expected that the beneficiaries will be able to perform better in an increasingly competitive labor environment.
Congresswoman Elisa Rosales highlighted the trust that multilateral organizations have placed in the current government, stressing the importance of the opportunities that are being created for youth. “The objective is to strengthen the employability and technical capacity of young people to access formal employment. There will be 32 thousand young people nationwide who will benefit from this initiative”, expressed the parliamentarian with optimism.
With these efforts, the government seeks not only to generate employment, but also to build an adequate infrastructure that will allow young entrepreneurs to access the necessary resources to develop their projects. The implementation of these programs represents a significant step towards a brighter future for the country’s youth.