The Ministerio de Hacienda as part of its Electronic Invoicing Orientation Plan with the objective of improving transparency and tax compliance in local businesses. As part of this initiative, auditors from the Dirección General de Impuestos Internos (DGII) are making visits to various shopping centers to verify that businesses correctly issue the Documento Tributario Electrónico (DTE) during transactions with consumers.

During these visits, DGII inspectors provide advice to businesses on the correct issuance of the Electronic Invoicing. This support includes the explanation of the proper procedures and current regulations, as well as the identification of the cases in which it is necessary to request the Documento Único de Identificación (DUI) in order to comply with tax regulations.
Inspectors check that businesses, including clothing stores, beauty products and restaurants, comply with the requirements established in the Tax Code. This supervision ensures that businesses not only respect the invoicing rules, but also provide adequate service to consumers, thus guaranteeing more efficient tax management.

In addition to verifying compliance, DGII staff seeks to educate entrepreneurs on best practices in electronic invoicing. This preventive approach is ultimately aimed at facilitating the adaptation of businesses to tax requirements and promoting a culture of tax compliance, benefiting both businesses and the tax administration.