Housing Minister Michelle Sol reported that in april 2024, 622 houses were deeded, with an investment of US$15.6 million, for the benefit of salvadoran families.
This credit is divided into the following lines: new housing 223 credits for US$8.49 million, used housing and other lines 276 credits for US$5.54 million, extraordinary assets 123 credits for US$1.61 million.

In addition, the housing minister informed that the deeds for this year 2024 from january to april have been for 2,545 houses, with an investment of US$63.2 million.
The Fondo Social para la Vivienda de El Salvador, so far in the current government’s term, has accumulated historic results in the deed of credits to buy a house, achieving a total of 35,853 families benefited with an investment of US$764.7 million.

The results by credit lines in general are: new housing 8,843 loans for US$309.01 million, used housing and other lines 19,114 loans for US$353.24 million, and extraordinary assets 7,896 houses for US$102.46 million.
This number represents a record, recovering properties that were occupied by criminals and are now available to salvadorans.