The Índice de Precios al Productor (IPP) registered a monthly increase of 0.08% during november 2024, reaching a value of 134.89 points. This indicator, key to measure the evolution of the prices of goods and services offered by producers, reflects a relative stability in producer inflation levels, in line with recent trends in the global economy.
In annual terms, the IPP presented a variation of 3.12% compared to november 2023, highlighting a controlled behavior in producer prices. Throughout the year, the indicator accumulated an increase of 2.86%, which reaffirms price stability despite international economic challenges.

Within the main economic activities, the manufacturing industry showed a decline in november, registering an index of 140.98 points, representing a slight decrease of 0.1 points with respect to october. This contraction reflects specific pressures in this sector, which could be related to adjustments in demand or operating costs.
In contrast, water supply reported a significant increase, reaching an index of 135.83 points versus 133.78 in october. Likewise, the transportation sector experienced an increase, rising from 111.81 points in october to 113.56 in november. Other sectors also registered increases, although in more moderate proportions, consolidating a general panorama of stability with slight increases.

The behavior of the IPP in november 2024 confirms a scenario of contained inflation at the producer level, with moderate increases concentrated in specific sectors. This scenario provides confidence in the economy’s ability to keep prices under control, and is a key indicator for inflationary expectations in the coming months.