Economic growth in El Salvador has taken a significant boost thanks to the attraction of public and private investments in different sectors, especially in the San Salvador Metropolitan Area (AMSS). Stability in security has allowed a transformation in the business environment, promoting economic development through a corridor of strategic investments in key municipalities of the country, including the coastal area of La Libertad.

With a joint vision aligned with long-term objectives, institutions and private companies are working on coordinated projects that seek to improve the country’s competitiveness and the well-being of local communities. Luis Rodríguez, director of the Oficina de Planificación del Área Metropolitana de San Salvador (COAMSS-OPAMSS), said that this collaborative model strengthens the growth of municipalities and expands economic opportunities, supported by improved security.
The inclusion of diverse sectors has been essential to unify efforts in a vision of the country. Rodriguez highlighted how this synergy allows investments to become more dynamic and free, generating greater economic activity in territories that had previously been unattractive to investors. This innovative approach opens doors to infrastructure and tourism projects, among other sectors.

The Surf City project, one of the most prominent, has become a tourist and investment attraction. In addition to attracting tourists, it has boosted investment opportunities in the coastal zone and other strategic points, helping to diversify the country’s economic development. The strategy has been acclaimed for its impact on the local and national economy.
This transformation not only improves the economy, but also promotes a perception of territorial unity, eliminating internal borders and consolidating a social and economic corridor. Synergy between the public and private sectors is key to maintaining this dynamic and ensuring a positive impact throughout the region.
With the commitment to maximize institutional efficiency, El Salvador is positioning itself as an attractive destination for investment, with a view to achieving sustained growth for the benefit of all salvadorans.