No matter how much you earn or how much your parents give you per month, if you don’t control your spending your finances will always be in trouble and you won’t be able to reach those goals you’ve set for yourself.
Here are some financial tips to control your spending and improve your financial health:
1. Create a budget
Establish a monthly budget based on your income and expenses. Divide your expenses into categories: such as necessities where you can include rent, food, etc., and savings, and wants where you can include savings. And savings, and wants where you can include leisure, entertainment among others.
2.Track your expenses
Track every expense, no matter how small, to identify where your money is going. Use apps, spreadsheets or a notebook.
Evaluate your habits and detect areas where you can reduce expenses.

3. Prioritize your needs
Distinguish between essential expenses (food, housing, transportation) and discretionary expenses (outings, shopping). Prioritize the essentials and set limits on optional expenses.
4. Set financial goals
Define concrete objectives, such as saving for a trip, creating an emergency fund or paying off debts. Allocate a fixed percentage of your income to savings, for example, 20%.
5. Avoid impulse purchases
Before buying something, make sure you really need it. Make a list before you go shopping and stick to it.

6. Use cash instead of cards
Paying with cash makes you more aware of how much you spend, as you physically see the money disappear.
Small, consistent changes can have a big impact on your finances. The key is discipline and consistency.