In order to strengthen the western part of the country, a millionaire injection of resources has been made to help entrepreneurs, companies and local tourism stakeholders.
The Government of El Salvador, through the Ministry of Tourism, is developing the Program to Support the Recovery and Expansion of the Tourism Sector, backed by historic financing of US$106 million from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).
This is part of the strategic bet focused on positioning El Salvador as a first class tourist destination in the world scenario and promoting a sustainable and balanced growth of the sector.

The project will benefit 1.2 million people directly and indirectly, and socialization processes have already begun in Alegría, Usulután, and Conchagua, La Unión, with the sectors involved, businessmen and local actors in the eastern part of the country.
The minister of Tourism, Morena Valdez, together with the technical team toured the beaches of El Tamarindo, in Conchagua, and El Esterón, in Intipucá, both in La Unión, as part of the Surf City II Circuit, where important infrastructure works will be built.
These efforts include the creation of new recreational spaces and the implementation of responsible tourism practices that respect the environment and benefit local communities, among other works.

The Program to Support the Recovery and Expansion of the Tourism Sector in El Salvador is a comprehensive initiative that covers several areas of the country, but 80% is focused on the eastern zone.
The technical visit underscores the Government’s commitment to the tourism sector, which also highlights the importance of working together with local communities to achieve balanced and sustainable development.