The last quarter of 2024 left an encouraging outlook for micro and small enterprises (MSEs) in El Salvador. According to FUSAI’s MYPE Observatory, 49 out of every 100 entrepreneurs reported a favorable situation in their businesses, while only 9 out of every 100 considered the opposite.

The report highlights that the net percentage of entrepreneurs with a positive quarter increased by 25.6 points, consolidating an improving trend. In addition, 10.2% of the entrepreneurs perceived a direct improvement in their businesses, which reinforces the stability of the sector.
For the beginning of 2025, expectations remain mostly optimistic. 59 out of every 100 business owners anticipate a favorable quarter, although the net percentage of positive expectations had a slight drop of 14.3 points.

Despite this decline, optimism remains the highest on record, with a net positive assessment percentage of 52.0, the highest figure since records have been kept. With these results, the MSE sector starts 2025 with confidence in its growth.
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