The Comisión Nacional de la Micro y Pequeña Empresa (CONAMYPE) continues to strengthen national entrepreneurs through various activities focused on their development. As part of the implementation of the Economic Integration Policy for Microenterprises, this day advice was provided to entrepreneurs in the District of La Palma on the professionalization of their businesses, highlighting the benefits that this process can bring to their business initiatives.
Simultaneously, the third module of the “Women and Business” program was held at the Regional Center of La Unión, together with the Women’s Entrepreneurship Window of Ciudad Mujer Morazán. This training, aimed at women from Morazán and La Unión, was attended by 34 entrepreneurs from sectors such as textiles and clothing, agribusiness, handicrafts and food.

The participants acquired key knowledge to improve the management of their businesses and access new market opportunities. This effort is part of CONAMYPE’s strategies to promote the economic inclusion of women in business, strengthening their capacity to compete in the marketplace.

In addition, an alliance was established with the Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería (MAG) to offer business training services to producers in the AgroMercados. This collaboration seeks to strengthen the agricultural sector by providing training in business practices that enhance the marketing and sustainability of their products.

CONAMYPE reaffirms its commitment to continue supporting salvadoran entrepreneurs, with special emphasis on the training and professionalization of women, who are key to the country’s economic development.