Through the Comisión Nacional de la Micro y Pequeña Empresa (CONAMYPE) and with the support of the Fondo Especial de los Recursos provenientes de la Privatización de ANTEL (FANTEL), the delivery of US$100,000.00 in non-refundable funds was made within the framework of the agreement “Promote and Consolidate Companies in the Artisan Sector Improving the Marketable Supply of Products with Higher Added Value”.

The funds have also been delivered to 50 beneficiary artisans from the departments of Ahuachapán, Sonsonate, Santa Ana, San Salvador, La Libertad, Cabañas, San Vicente, Chalatenango, Usulután, Morazán, San Miguel and La Unión. Each artisan received US$2,000 to strengthen their productive capacities and promote innovation in their processes. These funds are part of a comprehensive effort to improve the competitiveness of the artisan sector throughout the country.

“The idea of these funds is a small injection of productivity to your business, a small injection of quality and a small encouragement to be able to produce more and better handicrafts for the country”, said CONAMYPE President Paul Steiner.

The purpose of this competition is to strengthen the productive capacities of small entrepreneurs in the handicrafts sector, as well as to promote innovation in their production processes. It is expected that this support will contribute to boosting the growth and development of these micro and small enterprises, benefiting various communities in the country.

The funds were delivered at CONAMYPE’s facilities, located at Alameda Manuel Enrique Araujo, Edificio CONAMYPE. This initiative is part of the government’s efforts to promote entrepreneurship and economic development through the artisan sector, a key area for the salvadoran economy.