The Government of El Salvador announced the creation of the Agencia Nacional de Inteligencia Artificial (ANIA), which will be attached to the Presidency of the Republic. Its main objective will be to coordinate and promote the development, research and application of artificial intelligence (AI) in the country, boosting technological progress and economic growth.

The Minister of Economy, María Luisa Hayem, presented before the Legislative Assembly the draft “Law for the Promotion of Artificial Intelligence and Technologies”, which seeks to establish a comprehensive regulatory framework for AI. The proposal was incorporated to the legislative agenda and will be analyzed by the Technology, Tourism and Investment Commission.
Among its attributions, the ANIA will manage the National Registry of Development, Innovation and Application of AI. In addition, it will be responsible for issuing regulations and safeguards to ensure that developers, researchers, and other actors work in a regulated and efficient environment.

The project also establishes that those who use open domain or proprietary data for non-commercial purposes must register in the national registry. With this, the State intends to provide support to developers to protect their innovations under intellectual property.
The agency will also collaborate with the Ministry of Education to incorporate the teaching of artificial intelligence at all educational levels. The approach will encompass theoretical knowledge, technical skills, and ethical considerations, preparing future generations for an increasingly digitized world.

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