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Thursday, 02 May 2024 02:57

On may 2nd the population census will begin

Written by Karla Gutiérrez

This afternoon the President and Vice President of the Banco Central de Reserva (BCR), Rodriguez and Hazel Gonzalez, launched the Population and Housing Census 2024.

Next may 2nd will begin with the population census where more than 10 thousand people will go house to house to know different economic and social aspects of salvadoran families.

“This ballot will allow us to know the academic level of the salvadoran population, the use and possession of information technologies, as well as the economic characteristics they have and learn about international migration”, president of the BCR.

In technology alone, US$24 million has been invested to carry out the census, the BCR has acquired more than 13,000 devices, 600 tablets and licenses for cloud services and geographic systems. In addition, it acquired 190 vehicles, including SUVs to enter rural communities, which together with the units in the BCR's inventory add up to 250 cars that “will go out to the entire territory”.

These US$24 million are BCR's own funds and US$44 million are from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), of which 50% has already been used.

In recent months, the BCR hired around 10,000 census takers to facilitate the process and provide households with an extra incentive. According to the BCR, the census takers have a salary of US$815 while the coordinators' salary is around US$1,200.

Those selected received training to be able to carry out this census in the best possible way to obtain good results and use them to improve the public system.


Translated by: A.M

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