The Ministry of Finance has launched the Inspectores Fiscales Sin Fronteras program, a practical learning initiative designed to improve tax auditing and criminal investigation. This program includes key components, such as Transfer Pricing and Tax Crime Investigation.
Jerson Posada, minister of Finance, said that this initiative will strengthen the fight against tax evasion, both nationally and internationally. The objective is to improve tax and criminal inspection and investigation, supporting institutions such as the Fiscalía General de la República and the Dirección General de Impuestos Internos (DGII).

The launch of the Transfer Pricing program will allow a tax audit expert to provide advice on tax matters. This component will provide practical training to inspectors and auditors, improving their skills in detecting and sanctioning tax irregularities.

In addition, the Tax Crimes Investigation program will strengthen the capacities of the Ministry of Finance’s tax criminal investigation unit. This support will allow for the identification of areas for improvement and the development of effective skills to improve the specialization of tax auditors.

One of the main objectives of the program is to increase El Salvador’s internal tax revenues, thus contributing to the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The salvadoran government continues to advance in its commitment to fiscal strengthening, since to date the Treasury has recovered US$1.9 billion with the anti-evasion plan that was launched in october 2019.

Miguel Kattan, Secretary of Commerce and Investments, said that these actions will promote economic development by combating tax evasion. This will allow all taxpayers to contribute adequately to the country’s tax system.

The Vice Minister of Revenue of the Ministry of Finance, Juan Neftalí Murillo Ruiz, indicated that the fight against tax evasion will contribute to building a more just and sustainable economy. This program will allow El Salvador to increase its collection and allocate those resources to improve the quality of life of the population.

Rafael Pleitez, UNDP representative in El Salvador, reported that US$4.2 trillion are required globally to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). In this context, El Salvador is moving towards its own Sustainable Development Goals through the Inspectores Fiscales Sin Fronteras program, an initiative that will not only allow for the detection of areas for improvement and activate effective competencies in tax matters, but will also contribute to the fulfillment of the SDGs in El Salvador.