The Dirección General de Energía, Hidrocarburos y Minas (DGEHM) announced a new update in fuel prices, which will be in effect from december 24, 2024 to january 6, 2025. Costs have registered a slight decrease between US$0.02 and US$0.03, benefiting consumers in all areas of the country. This reduction responds to international factors and greater availability of products in the local market.
In the case of premium gasoline, the reference price in the central zone is US$3.65, US$3.66 in the western zone, and US$3.69 in the eastern zone. These figures represent a uniform decrease of US$0.02 per gallon in all regions. Regular gasoline shows a decrease of US$0.02 in the central and western zones, with prices of US$3.54 and US$3.55, respectively, while in the eastern zone the price decreased US$0.03, remaining at US$3.58.

Diesel also reflects a decrease of US$0.02 in all regions of the country. In the central zone, the reference price is US$3.40, in the western zone US$3.41, and in the eastern zone US$3.44. This adjustment consolidates a stabilization trend in the prices of this fuel, which is essential for transportation and industry.
The decrease in hydrocarbon prices responds to several international factors. During the first two weeks of december, there was an increase in gasoline and diesel reserves, which increased the availability of these products in the global market. In addition, the decision of the U.S. Federal Reserve (FED) to reduce interest rates by 0.25% drove greater dynamism in the financial markets, contributing to a slight stabilization in oil prices.

The fall in domestic consumption in China during november also influenced this trend. The lower dynamism in the Asian giant’s retail market reduced the pressure on global oil demand, thus favoring a drop in fuel costs. These adjustments are good news for consumers, who will be able to save on their spending during the year-end season.