Banco Promerica understands that the remittances received by thousands of salvadorans not only represent an economic aid, but also a link with those who are far away. For this reason, it rewards the loyalty of its customers and launches the promotion «Tus remesas vienen recargadas», offering the opportunity to win cash prizes simply for receiving remittances through Banco Promerica’s Electronic Channels, Correspondents and Agencies.
In order to reward the preference of its customers and users who use the various channels to collect their family remittances, Banco Promerica will award 50 winners with cash prizes. The way to participate is that, for each remittance collected through Agencies, the beneficiary will accumulate one opportunity to participate in the drawing, if collected through Corresponsales Financieros, Super App, ATMs, or credit to their Promerica Account, they will receive double the opportunity. Prizes range from US$50 to a maximum amount of US$1,000.
“At Banco Promerica we understand that remittances not only represent an economic support, they are a sign of love and sacrifice of those who are far away, but are still present in the lives of their families in the country. With this promotion, we want to thank our customers for their trust and give them back a little of the closeness and support they receive from their loved ones”, said Teresa Romero, Head of Family Remittances at Banco Promerica.

The promotion will run from october 1, 2024 through december 31, 2024. During this period, two exciting drawings will be held. The first drawing will be held on november 20, 2024, with the first 24 winners and the second drawing will be held on january 8, 2025, with 26 remaining winners.
How can you withdraw your remittances?

Customers and users can easily withdraw their remittances through Banco Promerica’s customer service channels, including any store that is part of the institution’s network of financial correspondents. The bank also has branches in the central, western and eastern parts of the country. Also, people who already have an account with the Bank and their remittances are from RIA and MONEYGRAM, the collection is much easier and faster. This way they avoid long lines since they can collect their remittances from their Mobile Banking or at Banco Promerica’s ATM network.
The conditions of this promotion can be consulted at any Banco Promerica branch, by calling 2513-5000 or writing to soluciones@promerica.com.sv.