With the firm commitment to promote the welfare of future generations, Walmart El Salvador and the MuseoTin Marín announce the renovation of “La Despensita”, one of the most beloved exhibits by visitors and designed for children and their families to acquire practical tools on the responsible management of resources and healthy eating.

La Despensita has been transformed with a more modern and interactive approach, providing an innovative space where visitors can learn, through play, how to manage a budget, select quality products, create balanced shopping lists and discover the importance of reading nutrition labels.

With the refreshment of the exhibition, new products have been incorporated, making the experience more real, fun and educational for the new generations. “With each visit to ‘La Despensita’, we seek to instill in children a sense of responsibility towards their purchasing decisions and their impact on health and the environment. We want them to understand that each choice counts, not only for them and their families, but also for our planet”, said Juan Carlos Novoa, executive director of the Museo Tin Marín.

He also said that they are very grateful for the support of companies such as Walmart, as they support the museum’s mission of educating through play, contributing to the formation of more conscious and responsible citizens. The alliance between Walmart and Tin Marin has been consolidated over the years with the purpose of continuing to improve this space.

This renewed exhibit continues to enhance the role-playing dynamic, where children can take on the roles of cashiers, baggers and shoppers, applying knowledge about nutrition, savings and responsible consumption in real-life scenarios.

“At Walmart, we work on different programs that positively impact communities, improving the living conditions of families in El Salvador. Thus, for several years, we have been sponsors of this exhibit so that young visitors acquire a deep and lasting understanding of what it means to be informed and conscious consumers”, said Sandra Cáceres, Corporate Affairs Coordinator for Walmart in El Salvador.

As part of the relaunch, Walmart sponsored the attendance of 50 children from the El Bambú Community School, a beneficiary institution of the Banco de Alimentos de El Salvador. During the visit, the children, accompanied by their parents and teachers, toured the museum, visited La Despensita, and received food packages from the Banco de Alimentos’s Unidos Alimentados campaign.

La Despensita has established itself as a key experience in the educational mission of the Children’s Museum. In 2005, the exhibit was renovated for the first time. Subsequently, in 2012, another improvement was made.

La Despensita is part of the more than 30 permanent exhibitions offered by the Tin Marín and can be visited considering the following hours and prices:
- Tuesday to friday from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m.
- Saturday and sunday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
- Admission price US$3.50 per person. Planetarium $2.00 per person and Dinosaur Invasion US$6.00 on weekdays and US$7.00 on weekends.
- Children 2 years of age or older pay admission.