In august 2024, the General Consumer Price Index (CPI) experienced a decrease of 0.39%, standing at 130.96. This monthly change represents a significant drop of 0.67 percentage points compared to the previous month, july 2024. This reduction in the CPI is a positive indicator in the current economic context, reflecting a downward trend in the prices of certain products.
Among the products that contributed to this decrease were potatoes, which registered a reduction of 0.24%, followed by güisquil with a decrease of 0.08%, and others such as air travel (-0.07%), tomatoes (-0.06%) and French bread (-0.02%). These changes indicate downward pressure on the cost of the basic food basket, which may benefit consumers in terms of purchasing power.

However, not all products showed a downward trend. Some vegetables, such as carrots, increased in value by 0.06%, as did oranges and avocados, which each increased in price by 0.02%. These increases in certain foods may reflect seasonal or supply and demand factors that affect market prices.

In terms of annual inflation, the CPI stood at 1.17% in august 2024, a notable reduction of 1.92 percentage points compared to the same month of the previous year, when inflation was 3.09%. Likewise, the accumulated variation to date stands at 1.25%, which suggests a stabilization of prices and could point to a more favorable economic environment in the near future.