In order to support the Central Government with the development of road infrastructure, risk mitigation and attention to users at a national level, the deputies authorized the Executive Branch to issue two guarantee contracts on behalf of the Fondo de Conservación Vial (FOVIAL) for an equal number of loans subscribed with the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI).

During the plenary session, a Guarantee Contract was approved to guarantee the Revolving Credit Line Contract Number 2310, and its modifications, which was executed by the Government institution with the international organization for an amount of up to US$250 million.
In addition, the guarantee contract was approved to support loan agreement number 1886, as amended, which was signed for US$92 million.
The funds obtained from CABEI will enable FOVIAL to provide road maintenance and attend to landslides in a timely manner in times of emergency.

The good condition of the roads will also guarantee the population’s mobility and ensure that commercial traffic is not affected.