The KOICA Incubation Project has begun its business training process in different regions of El Salvador, with the objective of promoting the development of dynamic micro and small enterprises as part of the country’s economic reactivation. This initiative is part of the Incubation Strategy, which seeks to strengthen strategic sectors such as tourism, agribusiness, manufacturing and services.
In San Miguel, 30 companies from different departments of the eastern region actively participated in the initial sessions. Entrepreneurs from Ahuachapán and Sonsonate also began their training, with 17 companies belonging to key value chains for the region. These activities are carried out from the regional centers to facilitate access and integration of local communities.

In the central region, the San Salvador Regional Center convened 21 companies from municipalities such as Santa Tecla, Lourdes and San Juan Opico, consolidating its commitment to strengthening entrepreneurial capacities in the area. The diversity of participants reflects the national scope of this project, which is focused on creating inclusive economic opportunities.
The project is implemented thanks to the joint cooperation between the Ministerio de Turismo (MITUR), the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), the Agencia de El Salvador para Cooperación Internacional (ESCO), the Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores (MFA) and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). This international collaboration underscores the importance of strategic alliances for sustainable development.

Those interested in participating in the training, workshops and services can call 2592-9100 or 7074-7074, or visit the nearest regional center. This initiative represents a key opportunity for Salvadoran entrepreneurs to strengthen their businesses and contribute to the country’s economic growth.