El Salvador is promoting the participation of women in the fields of development and research through the STEM Forum: Women Entrepreneurs with High Impact. This event, led by the president of the Comisión Nacional de la Micro y Pequeña Empresa (CONAMYPE), Paul Steiner, and the director of the Agencia de El Salvador para la Cooperación Internacional (Agencia ESCO) Karla de Palma, seeks to promote the inclusion of women in the areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
Steiner pointed out that 85% of salvadoran companies are dedicated to service and commerce. “If we really want to change and make our economy sustainable and create an economic future for the country, we have to produce more and do it with technology. There is no country in the world that has achieved economic sustainability without doing that”, he said.

“The Empresarialidad Femenina team is here to support you all. Some of you may be meeting CONAMYPE for the first time today; the idea is that we are at your service to help you grow and become successful entrepreneurs”, said Paul Steiner during the inauguration of the forum. He also emphasized the importance of producing with technology to achieve the country’s economic sustainability.

Karla de Palma, director of AgenciaESCO, highlighted the relevance of artificial intelligence and digitalization in business development. “In the afternoon there is a very interesting conversation, all related to the capacity of artificial intelligence, digitization, that is why the Secretariat of Innovation is also here”, she mentioned.
For this reason, the STEM Forum: High Impact Entrepreneurs represents a significant effort by El Salvador to empower women in key areas for technological and economic development, thus ensuring a more sustainable and inclusive future for the country.