With the leadership of the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) and under the technical coordination of the Grupo de Acción Financiera de Latinoamérica (GAFILAT), the systems to combat money laundering and the financing of terrorism are strengthened.
This support is provided within the framework of the non-reimbursable technical cooperation granted by CABEI that allowed the development of various projects to strengthen regulatory and operational measures that seek to combat financial crimes. To date, 10 local and 4 regional projects are being developed.
These projects include 2 E-learning courses, 2 Regional Sectoral Assessments, more than 10 Technical Assistance documents, more than 6 dissemination podcasts, more than 10 workshops and face-to-face activities. The experience and results of the projects have been shared and socialized at a regional level to strengthen cooperation between countries, a fundamental aspect in the fight against AML/CFT.
The Program for Strengthening Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) Systems was implemented in preparation for the Fifth Round of Mutual Evaluations of GAFILAT countries, a methodology that allows countries to identify their areas of improvement in these areas and work on the basis of actions recommended by experts.
The mutual evaluations of the Fifth Round of GAFILAT are projected to begin in 2025 and seek to measure compliance with the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) framework of each member country of this organization. The evaluations will be a roadmap for countries to work on the basis of recommended actions to strengthen their systems.
Through this program, CABEI seeks to ensure that countries are prepared for this process and protect their financial systems to increase investor confidence and boost their economic growth, as well as reduce the risk of sanctions or inclusion in lists of jurisdictions under monitoring that affect their economy.