In order to boost the local economy and offer quality agricultural products to the salvadoran population, the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) approved non-reimbursable financial cooperation in the amount of US$725,000 to strengthen the supply chain of national products to facilitate their commercialization.
This project, led by El Salvador’s Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería (MAG), will develop a logistical supply network for agricultural products from the farms of producer families to agri-markets and other marketing points nationwide.

With the resources granted by CABEI, a vehicle fleet of nearly 30 units will be made available, allowing products to be transported in a more agile, efficient, safe and direct manner, reducing post-harvest handling and intermediary losses. This will guarantee the timely arrival of the products, maintaining their freshness and quality by reducing the risk of spoilage, which will have a positive impact on the competitiveness of domestic products in the market.
By facilitating distribution and reducing logistical costs, salvadoran families will be able to purchase the products at affordable prices, benefiting the family economy and allowing them access to fresh, quality products.

With this non-reimbursable financial cooperation, CABEI reaffirms its commitment to El Salvador’s sustainable development, contributing to the dynamization of local economies and supporting the well-being of the population.