In an effort to guarantee food security, support national producers and protect the pockets of salvadorans, the deputies of the Legislative Assembly approved with 57 votes special provisions to combat the increase in prices of agricultural products.
The approved measures empower the Centro de Desarrollo de Comercio Agropecuario (CDCA) for the emergency acquisition of agricultural products, goods and services through direct purchases from national and international suppliers. This was discussed at the 13th plenary session, where the need to ensure the supply of agri-markets at the national level was highlighted.

In addition, the legislative plenary implemented the exoneration of taxes related to the storage, distribution and acquisition of agricultural products necessary for the supply, thus facilitating the execution of these purchases.
Christian Guevara, head of the Nuevas Ideas bench, expressed that these measures will allow supplying agromarkets in an efficient manner. “With these measures we are facilitating the execution of the purchase of inputs to keep the agri-markets supplied”, he said. He also said that this action will help mitigate the rise in prices worldwide, benefiting salvadoran families by protecting their pockets.

The CDCA, in charge of agro-production policy and price regulation, now has the authority to make emerging purchases, which reinforces the government’s strategies for the benefit of the population.
“These provisions will help farmers buy inputs at lower costs and be more competitive with products entering from other countries. Thanks to this initiative, supplies will be accessible to salvadorans”, Deputy, Samuel Martinez.
He said that “the only way to combat inflation is with domestic production and this is what the ruling seeks. By lowering costs, farmers will be able to acquire products at lower prices, which will help them produce more and we will have food sovereignty”.