Monthly Inflación mensual del Productor (PPI) in June 2024 experienced a deceleration, presenting a rate of -0.29%. The main cause of this contraction is attributed to the electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply sector whose prices experienced a reduction due to the higher generation of energy by means of the hydric resource.
The Índice General de Precios al Productor (IPP) in june 2024 reached 133.6 points which, when compared to the results of may 2024, represents a decrease of -0.29%.
In monthly terms, seven of the thirteen sections that make up the indicator experienced increases, five had no change and the only one that decreased and had an impact on the indicator’s result was the Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply section, which, due to the greater amount of rain, allowed for the generation of a greater amount of energy through water resources.

The largest positive incidences were in the arts, entertainment and recreational activities section, due to adjustments in their operating costs; Real Estate Activities, which applied increases in contract renewals; and Accommodation and food service activities, which adjusted their prices in response to higher costs.
Annual inflation at the producer level in June 2024 had an increase of 2.19% compared to june 2023, as a result of price increases in twelve of its thirteen sections.
The sectors that had the greatest impact on this increase were manufacturing, accommodation and food service activities, and real estate activities.

In percentage terms, the sections showed the following behavior: Real estate activities (9.57%), arts, entertainment and recreation activities (8.63%), other service activities (7.66%), water supply, sewerage, waste management and sanitation activities (6. 63%), accommodation and food service activities (5.09%), electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply (4.47%), information and telecommunications (2.54%), professional, scientific and technical activities (2.49%), human health care and social work activities (2.06%), teaching (1.83%). administrative and support service activities (1.2%), manufacturing (0.92%) and transportation and storage (-1.44%) were the only ones to show negative behavior.