Through the Financial Education Unit, the methodological transfer on “Planes de Negocios Bancables”, was completed by the Banco de Desarrollo de El Salvador (BANDESAL) in the year 2023, in this process 50 business advisors from CONAMYPE and CDMYPE participated.
This methodology is important because it integrates the process of generating a business plan with the prospect of accessing bank financing.
The Comisión Nacional de la Micro y Pequeña Empresa (CONAMYPE) reported an increase in loan applications for small entrepreneurs in neighborhoods that were previously plagued by gangs.

This commission is responsible for generating specialized techniques for the formalization of accounting, financial and tax aspects. In addition, it supports micro and small businesses, providing assistance, training, access to financing and other resources to promote their growth and competitiveness in the market. Focusing on entrepreneurs.
Banking businesses are those related to the banking industry, such as account management, loans, investments, and other financial services offered by banks to individuals and businesses.
CONAMYPE also calls salvadorans to be part of the different trainings, workshops, lectures and services of the institution. You can contact them at 2592-9100, 7074-7074 or go to your nearest regional center.