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Friday, 03 May 2024 05:43

Salvadoran coffee for sale in Qatar

Written by Denis Muñoz

The promotion strategy of salvadoran coffee promoted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, through its network of Embassies, Consulates and Economic Counselors continues to bring favorable results for national producers.

Recently, a container of aromatic coffee cultivated in salvadoran lands arrived to the port of Hamad, in Qatar, which was acquired by the company Coffee Land Roasters.

This purchase is the result of the work and efforts of economic diplomacy carried out by the Diplomatic Representation in this destination to make known the exportable offer, in this case salvadoran coffee, through business rounds, as well as participation in fairs, exhibitions and other key events for the positioning of our golden bean.


On this occasion, the coffee shipment comes from the Tecapa-Chinameca region, and is of the bourbon variety, one of the specialties that is most cultivated in our territory.

"With this export, in addition to satisfying the demand of Qatar, we aim to reach other markets in the Middle East region, since Coffee Land Roasters also distributes to countries such as Saudi Arabia, Oman, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates", says Ambassador Milton Magaña, who verified the reception of the shipment.



Translated by: A.M

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