The Finance Committee and the Special Budget Committee gave the green light to two projects that will go to the plenary session of the legislature. These initiatives require financing of US$297,696, which will be managed by the Ministerio de Economía (MINEC) and financed through a loan from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD).

The amount will be allocated mainly to component one of the “Program to Promote Employability and Improve Access to Salaried Employment,” which will receive US$13 million. It will also be invested in component four of the Institutional Strengthening Investment Project.
These programs aim to improve employability, especially for young people and vulnerable groups, through technical training and business support strategies. They also seek to strengthen access to adequate infrastructure and promote entrepreneurship. More than 32,000 people are expected to benefit directly from these initiatives, obtaining formal employment opportunities through training in specialized technical skills.

The requested money will also cover the hiring of consulting services and technical assistance to guarantee the effective implementation of the strategies, as well as the acquisition of equipment, furniture and office space.
The proposed amendment to the current Budget Law will be debated in the next legislative plenary sessions, with the expectation of obtaining the necessary support for its execution.