The Treasury and Special Budget Commission ruled in favor of making amendments to the Budget Law 2024 to incorporate US$1,304,913.00 from external loans. These funds, obtained through the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), will be destined to the “Program for Responsible Social Protection from Shocks in El Salvador”. The initiative seeks to increase the resilience of households affected by adverse events, especially those related to climate change.
The loan, signed on march 15, 2024, will enable the implementation of projects aimed at mitigating the impact of natural disasters on the vulnerable population. Marlon Herrera, General Director of Investment and Public Credit of the Ministry of Finance, explained that the General Directorate of Subsidies will be in charge of executing the works through the Ministry of Finance.

One of the key components of the project is the creation of a computerized system that will facilitate the identification of vulnerable households and allow for the efficient management of subsidies. According to Herrera, this system will be crucial to ensure that resources reach those who need them most, providing immediate relief to families affected by natural disasters.
In addition, an information system focused on Early Childhood will be developed, which will be managed by the Instituto Crecer Juntos. This system will be interoperable with the Social Protection Information System, improving the coordination and distribution of resources for the most vulnerable sectors.
Herrera highlighted that this program will offer temporary support to those who have been displaced from their homes due to climatic phenomena. “These funds will provide support while the home situation is being resolved”, he concluded.