Friday, 01 October 2021 01:57

Banco Atlántida delivered donation to MINSAL to support the fight against COVID-19

Written by Evelyn Alas

The Ministry of Health received a donation from Banco Atlántida to contribute to the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic and help save the lives of the most affected salvadorans.

The donation by the financial institution consists in the delivery of four hospital mechanical ventilators with all its accessories included, each one of them has an integral and specialized design that adapts to the different needs of critical patients in Intensive Care Units, they also have exclusive features such as volumetric measurement of CO2 (carbon dioxide), weaning indicators and O2 (oxygen) therapy; they also contemplate a system of ease of use and maintenance that will help our front line heroes.

Verónica Guardado, deputy manager of Strategic Management and Customer Experience of Banco Atlántida in El Salvador, said that the purpose of this delivery to the Health branch is "to continue joining efforts to promote the provision of necessary resources to ensure adequate care, Therefore, this day we make available the innovative breathing equipment for the Government of El Salvador, through the Ministry of Health, to enable its use as it deems appropriate in the current context we are living", and called on us to join together to continue supporting the sectors that directly ensure the health of salvadorans in order to expand its scope.

The minister of Health Ad Honorem, Francisco Alabí expressed his gratitude to Banco Atlántida, "I want to thank the donation of the four hospital mechanical ventilators that come to contribute to save lives of COVID-19 patients, all help received is essential in this fight".

Banco Atlántida joins in solidarity with the joint and coordinated work done by the Government of El Salvador and the Ministry of Health through the network of hospitals and medical staff to help the country in the face of the health crisis that is being experienced locally and worldwide.