According to the World Bank, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, global debt has increased. Today, 58% of the world's poorest countries are over-indebted or at high risk of becoming so, and the danger is spreading to some middle-income countries as well.

The Ministerio de Obras Públicas (MOP), inaugurated today in the afternoon the remodeling of the border facilities in Las Chinamas, Ahuachapán.

The Defensoría del Consumidor (DC), which has made available its call center and WhatsApp to receive complaints about unjustified price increases in seasonal products, especially food.

If you are about to fill up the tank of your vehicle, this information may be of interest to you. The Ministry of Economy informs drivers that the Central Government will continue to provide a targeted subsidy that will allow setting the maximum price for diesel. In this period, the market prices of premium and regular gasoline are lower than the maximum prices set.

The holiday season has been characterized for generations as a time of friendship, humility and affection for those around us. However, all the necessary preparations in terms of decorations, food and gifts, can generate a strong impact on the financial state of the households of families around the world.

The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for the third quarter of 2022 registered a growth of 2.2% compared to the same period of the previous year. In monetary terms, this represented an increase of US$682.8 million, bringing the GDP for the third quarter of 2022 to US$7,887.1 million.

The Legislative Assembly voted in favor of extending the period of validity of the Transitory Law for the Stabilization of Liquefied Petroleum Gas Prices used by households and small businesses for their daily activities.

The Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería (MAG) informed that they are working to maintain these characteristics of high added value in production.

Monday, 19 December 2022 03:26

Tips to improve family finances

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Meeting basic needs, taking care of fundamental aspects of the development of all family members and having the possibility of saving to meet future goals. These are the main characteristics of the family economy, whose objective is to manage a family's income and expenses.