Thursday, 01 February 2024 04:28

Prices of several vegetables decrease

Written by Karla Gutiérrez

According to the daily report of prices of agricultural products published by the Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería (MAG) there have been price decreases in vegetables in the last week of january 2024.

 This week's resignations are as follows:

  • The quintal large carrot went from US$31 to cost US$25.
  • The sack of cassava has remained at US$45.00.
  • The bag of white onion went from a price of US$47.20 to US$37.00.
  • The cost of red onion decreased from US$45 to US$35.
  • A bag of radish went from a price of US$11.60 to US$10.00.
  • The medium tomato box went from US$35.33 to US$14.25.

Bajan de precio algunas hortalizas en los mercados - El Sol del Bajío |  Noticias Locales, Policiacas, de México, Guanajuato y el Mundo

These prices vary daily according to MAG reports, therefore it is recommended to be aware of the official prices and those suggested by the Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería and the Defensoría del Consumidor to avoid speculation and unjustified increases.

Caen precios de hortalizas bajan tras terminar navidad


Translated by: A.M