Tuesday, 14 May 2024 03:17

Reduction between US$0.09 and US$0.14 in gasoline and diesel prices

Written by Denis Muñoz

The Dirección General de Energía, Hidrocarburos y Minas (DGEHM), informed the new costs for gasoline and diesel at national level, presenting prices with a considerable reduction for this fortnight.

As of may 14, gasoline prices will decrease in different regions of the country. Premium gasoline will decrease US$0.13, selling at US$4.53 per gallon in the central zone, in the western zone, it will be sold at US$4.53 and $4.57 in the eastern zone.

Regular gasoline will also experience a decrease of between US$0.09 and US$0.10 per gallon, with reference prices of US$4.23 for the central and western zones, and US$4.27 for the eastern zone.


As for diesel, the price will decrease by US$0.14 in the center and west and by US$0.13 in the east, with reference prices between US$3.78 and US$3.83.

These reductions are partially attributed to the start of ceasefire talks between Israel and Hamas, as well as the US Federal Reserve's decision to keep interest rates unchanged.


According to the Dirección General de Energía, Hidrocarburos y Minas, this situation is affecting the demand for hydrocarbons internationally. In addition, the increase in gasoline and diesel reserves is also contributing to lower prices, according to the International Energy Agency.

These reductions are intended to alleviate the pockets of salvadorans.


Translated by: A.M