Saturday, 01 June 2024 04:21

El Salvador exceeds sugar production estimates

Written by Denis Muñoz
El Salvador exceeds sugar production estimates Courtesy

El Salvador's sugar agribusiness has produced more than 6.7 million tons of sugar cane in the current harvest period, by january estimates were 6.5 million tons, representing an essential product for employment and development, boosting the local and national economy.

The sugar sector is one of the main sources of income for El Salvador and plays a crucial role in its economy. Sugar exports account for a significant share of the country's export earnings. In 2023, sugar exports generated approximately US$184.2 million.

Sugar exports for this year rose 94% according to BCR data. The main markets for salvadoran sugar include the United States, Canada, Taiwan and several European and Latin American countries.


Sugar production in El Salvador is considerable, with an annual capacity of around 15 million quintals. This volume not only satisfies domestic demand, but also allows for a significant surplus for export.

The industry not only provides direct monetary income through the sale of sugar, but also plays an important role in the local economy through job creation. Thousands of salvadorans depend on this industry for their livelihoods, both in direct jobs at the sugar mills and indirect jobs in the supply chain.


The economic impact of sugar goes beyond export revenues and job creation. The sugar industry also contributes to rural development, as many sugarcane plantations are in rural areas where other economic opportunities may be limited. Industry-driven investment in infrastructure and technology in these areas improves the quality of life of local communities and promotes sustainable development.


Translated by: A.M