Saturday, 07 August 2021 00:35

Marketing tips to boost your digital platforms

Written by Evelyn Alas

If you are an entrepreneur or work with your personal brand, you need to know the importance of some marketing tips to give a boost to your project.

Restructure social networks: Videos are one of the most used content because they allow you to encapsulate more information that impacts with images and audio. It is advisable to make videos no longer than 30 seconds.

  • Optimize web pages: Include blogs, news, testimonials and recommendation from previous consumers to create more trustworthiness.
  • Take advantage of Search Engine Optimization: In any type of information you publish you should integrate keywords or Hastagh that are associated with your product or service. This allows your social networks or web page to appear faster in search engines (such as Google) every time someone types them in.
  • Use email marketing: Digital automation is a great help because when someone has subscribed to a newsletter or blog through their email, the content creator can send recurring useful information or promotions to the user who is directly interested in the brand.

That way, there is greater proximity and more likelihood that at some point they will purchase your product or service. For example, if you publish a story on Instagram, you could accompany it with a survey or question box for users. The more interactive, the better.