Wednesday, 27 September 2023 03:05

Investment of US$4 million in the “Programa Oportunidades" has benefited hundreds of salvadorans

Written by Leydin Sorto

This morning a meeting was held between businessmen, authorities of the Ministry of Labor and workers of the " “Programa Oportunidades" " in which they expressed their experience.

The Minister of Labor, Ronaldo Castro, expressed that the Programa Oportunidades has transformed the lives of many people by providing them with employment, generating a positive impact on their families and ensuring long-term stability.

"Through an investment of US$4 million, the successful creation of the “Programa Oportunidades" was achieved, a win-win initiative for all parties involved", said the minister of Labor.


Juan López, a beneficiary of the “Programa Oportunidades", expressed his gratitude for the opportunity provided by this initiative and provided details on how his life has undergone a significant transformation.


He said that he now feels confident, without fear of being rejected when looking for a job and, in addition, he is able to advance in my academic training.


The “Programa Oportunidades" has promoted the hiring of young people between 18 and 21 years of age without work experience and unemployed people over 40 years of age, through a subsidy for the employer sector that is willing to create new jobs for this sector of the population.


Translated by: A.M