Saturday, 01 June 2024 05:02

CONAMYPE trains women entrepreneurs through the “Women and Business” plan

Written by Alejandra García Ortiz
CONAMYPE trains women entrepreneurs through the “Women and Business” plan Courtesy

The Comisión Nacional de la Micro y Pequeña Empresa (CONAMYPE), held an awareness workshop to start the “Women and Business” Diploma, which allows them to access better employment and entrepreneurship opportunities, increasing their financial autonomy and improving their quality of life.

Having more women trained in business encourages the creation of small and medium-size enterprises, which contributes to the country's economic growth and job creation.

This workshop was held in different departmental areas of El Salvador, one of the workshops was held at the Ventanilla de Empresarialidad Femenina (VEF) in Ciudad Mujer Morazán, with the participation of 28 women entrepreneurs from the departments of Morazán and the southern area of La Unión.


In addition, 12 women from the gastronomy, commerce and services sectors participated simultaneously. These entrepreneurs are assisted by the VEF of Usulután, where they will receive training and support to strengthen and expand their businesses.

This activity was also carried out at the VEF of San Martín, where women entrepreneurs from the agribusiness, textile and clothing, handicrafts, food and beverages, and services sectors participated.

The inclusion of women in business brings diverse perspectives and innovative solutions, enriching the business environment.


Translated by: A.M