Thursday, 16 May 2024 02:56

Movistar Empresas and CONAMYPE join forces for the country's micro and small businesses

Written by Alejandra García Ortiz
Movistar Empresas and CONAMYPE join forces for the country's micro and small businesses Courtesy

Movistar Empresas is proud to announce its alliance with the Comisión Nacional de la Micro y Pequeña Empresa (CONAMYPE) of El Salvador, in a joint effort to support the technological and economic development of the country, especially focused on the sector of Micro y Pequeñas Empresas (MYPES).

"In Movistar Empresas, we are committed to contribute to the development of our country along with the forces that energize its economy: the Micro and Small Business. Therefore, we want to join CONAMYPE's efforts. We believe that as leaders of corporate digital transformation we can contribute a lot as strategic allies", said Claudia Gómez de Juárez, Strategy Director of Movistar El Salvador.

As part of this collaboration, Movistar and CONAMYPE have designed a series of actions aimed at strengthening and supporting MYPES in their growth and consolidation in the market. These actions include:

Special product offers: CONAMYPE Mobile plan, tailored to the specific needs of affiliates and with exclusive benefits. In addition, a 10% discount on the regular mobile offer is offered upon presentation of a valid membership card. In addition, a special price will be offered on fixed mobile bases to expand communication options with customers.

Training for members: Movistar's product specialists will be available to train members in different crucial competencies for the digital development of MSEs, including topics such as cybersecurity, omni-channeling, team management, among others.

This loyalty program for MYPES seeks to promote entrepreneurial culture, encourage the formalization of these companies, and provide them with access to additional resources, networking opportunities and exclusive benefits that will enable them to expand their businesses and contribute to economic growth and job creation in El Salvador.


Movistar Empresas and CONAMYPE reaffirm their commitment to work together for the benefit of Micro and Small Businesses, thus contributing to the economic and social development of the country.


Translated by: A.M