According to the Superintendencia del Sistema Financiero (SSF), as of december 2022, the evolution of savings accounts shows an increase of 10.1%, with a year-over-year growth of US$553.8 million.

Contributing to the sustainable development of El Salvador by providing financial support for priority initiatives to improve the quality of life of the population, the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) approved a total of US$996 million to its founding member country in 2022 for the development of public sector projects, intermediating resources to the financial sector in support of strategic sectors.

Monday, 09 January 2023 18:32

Warning signs in your personal finances

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We rarely stop to analyze our personal finances. In many cases, people unconsciously spend every last penny of their fortnight and get into so much debt that they already owe the next one; this causes them to lead a stressed financial life.

The Ministerio de Hacienda (MH) reported that during 2022, from january to december, they accounted for US$6,571 million in revenues from taxes and contributions. The total indicates that there was an increase of US$737.4 million, equivalent to 12.6% more.

The more than 1.7 million tourists from different countries of the world that arrived to El Salvador in 2019, the pre-pandemic year, were surpassed at the end of october, 2022, confirmed the Ministry of Tourism.

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted everyone's lives and its effects on employment have lingered in Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) countries for almost two years.

Tuesday, 03 January 2023 01:40

New Year's financial resolutions 2023

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Do you already have your New Year's resolutions ready? How about making some of them financial? Here are some options.

1. Take advantage of the opportunities at hand: If you saved money in a fund during the year, use it when buying school supplies. Another alternative is to check the rewards or cash points granted by credit cards, because they can be extra money that helps a lot in the resolutions.

The Centro de Trámites de Importaciones y Exportaciones in compliance with its powers to facilitate, streamline and simplify foreign trade procedures, since september 16, 2022, has authorized more than 2 thousand applications quickly and effectively.