Displaying items by tag: taxes

The Legislative Assembly approved with 57 votes a budget increase of US$85.2 million which will be used to finance projects of different State portfolios. The allocation of these resources was possible thanks to tax collection and the Anti Evasion Plan promoted by the Ministry of Finance.

Published in Economy

In the last report of the Ministerio de Hacienda (MH) until march 2024, it was announced that El Salvador collected a total of US$1,798.4 million, which reflects an increase of 10.5% over the same period of 2023 when US$1,627.8 million was registered, which means that currently US$170.6 million more has been collected.

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Monday, 18 March 2024 02:00

Tips to save paying taxes

There are several ways to save while paying taxes, such as taking advantage of tax deductions and credits, strategically planning investments and charitable donations, and using savings accounts and retirement plans that offer tax benefits.

Published in Finances

In support of the Diaspora, as of the end of november 2023, the Legislative Assembly approved benefits for household goods for all salvadorans who are abroad and wish to return to the country.


Published in Economy

Not everyone gets financial advice in their 20s, and this can lead to a chaotic 30s with debt, and plenty of questions about taxes and investments.

Published in Finances

El Salvador is known for its creative entrepreneurs and world-renowned talent in the services sector. To reinforce his commitment to innovation in the country, President Nayib Bukele announced a set of incentives for investments in the technology sector.

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The deputies of the Treasury Commission endorsed three rulings that seek to bring benefits to the general population. The first of them is related to the special, transitory and complementary provisions for the Viaduct Construction and Road Expansion of Los Chorros Section, between the Monseñor Romero highway and the municipalities of Santa Tecla, Colón and San Juan Opico, located in the department of La Libertad.

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Approximately US$40 million in taxes could be collected by the Ministry of Finance through the proposed Special Transitory Law for the Voluntary Compliance of Tax and Customs Obligations, in which the deputies of the Treasury and Special Budget Committee issued a favorable opinion.

Published in Finances

The minister of Finance, Alejandro Zelaya arrived at the Fiscalía General de la República (FGR) to present a new notice for alleged simulation of operations and a complaint for tax evasion of the Dirección General de Aduanas (DGA) and material falsehood with a total amount of US$16.8 million.

Published in Economy

Through the notices presented by the Minister of Finance, Alejandro Zelaya, on Thursday of Evaders, three representatives of companies and a businesswoman were accused by the Fiscalía General de la República (FGR) for four cases of evasion related to Income Tax and Value Added Tax (VAT).

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