Thursday, 30 May 2024 02:06

Legislative Assembly approves US$85.2 million for different state portfolios

Written by Alejandra García Ortiz
Legislative Assembly approves US$85.2 million for different state portfolios Courtesy

The Legislative Assembly approved with 57 votes a budget increase of US$85.2 million which will be used to finance projects of different State portfolios. The allocation of these resources was possible thanks to tax collection and the Anti Evasion Plan promoted by the Ministry of Finance.

Likewise, these resources will be distributed to different public sector institutions, such as: Foreign Affairs, to which US$5 million will be given; Health, US$20 million; Public Works and Transportation, US$20 million; Justice and Public Security, US$31 million; Environment and Natural Resources, US$249,600; and Tourism, US$2 million. All of this for them to meet their objectives.

These funds will also be used to improve health services, support road projects, protect the environment, promote tourism and recreational centers.


Deputy, Mauricio Ortiz, indicated that, due to the efficient collection of taxes such as income, foreign trade, Value Added Tax (VAT) and others, surpluses will be used to finance different State portfolios, so that they may continue developing projects that benefit the majority.

“The present opinion of the Finance Commission seeks to incorporate resources. We know that these reforms have a lot to do with the functioning of the Executive Branch to create projects in favor of the people", deputy, Caleb Navarro.


Translated by: A.M