Global supply chains are the fundamental basis of world economic development; they seek, through a complex and organized structure, the growth of production and trade of productive activities. In the member countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the logistics sector represents an average of 10% of GDP. According to the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), in Latin America alone, the direct contribution to GDP averages 7.5% and generates direct formal and informal jobs of around 6.4%.

This day, the president and vice president of BCR, Douglas Rodriguez and Hazel Gonzalez, delivered scholarships of the program “Soy becado BCR” 2024, the beneficiaries of this program are young people from the 14 departments of the country.

Following the cooperation agreement established between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Asociación Salvadoreña de Hoteles (ASH), to benefit returned migrants or those at risk of migrating, the third fair was recently held to bring job opportunities in the tourism sector.

Today, the superintendent of the Financial System, Evelyn Gracias, together with the head of the Directorate for the Reconstruction of the Social Fabric, Carlos Marroquín, and the Superintendent of the Financial System, Evelyn Gracias, launched the financial education program “Súper finanzas al CUBO”, an event that took place at the CUBO Zacamil.

Seventeen participants of the H-2 Visa Program completed training to boost their business model, develop investment plans, and improve their enterprises, with the support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Comisión Nacional de la Micro y Pequeña Empresa (CONAMYPE).

Nearly 200 entrepreneurs benefited from the Innovation Summit, an innovation and technology event organized by the Comité de Tecnología y el de Servicios de la Cámara de Comercio e Industria de El Salvador (Camarasal).

This day, the minister of Labor, Rolando Castro, announced the departure of a new contingent of Salvadoran workers to Canada, thanks to the implementation of the successful Labor Migration program, which during this five-year period has allowed hundreds of salvadorans to have a job opportunity that meets all the benefits and remunerations according to the law.

Saturday, 20 April 2024 02:36

DGEHM finds water in a fuel tank

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The Dirección General de Energía, Hidrocarburos y Minas (DGEHM) informed through social networks that it found water in a tank where regular gasoline was stored at the service station located in Los Próceres, in San Salvador.

In view of the constant complaints received from a good number of professional soccer players, the minister of Labor and Social Welfare, Rolando Castro, informed that they will initiate verification and inspection visits in this sector.

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