Thursday, 13 June 2024 03:03

DGEHM conducts inspection to verify fuel quality and prices nationwide

Written by Alejandra García Ortiz
DGEHM conducts inspection to verify fuel quality and prices nationwide Courtesy

The Dirección General de Energía, Hidrocarburos y Minas (DGEHM), through its official website, informed that due to a new decrease in fuel prices between US$0.06 and US$0.15, inspections of gasoline storage tanks for its commercialization in the national market were carried out.

In said inspections, it was found in one of the inspected PUMA gas stations, in the Palermo branch, that the sale price did not match the price reported both in the system and on billboards.

In addition, the full-service billboards at the gas station offered the diesel product to the consumer at US$3.80 per gallon; however, technicians found that at the pump the price was offered at US$3.84.


The managers made the adjustment to place the correct price of US$3.80 and proceeded to file a report to verify the failure for not having the prices under the established parameters, this file will be studied by the legal area and determine appropriate measures.

Through its official website the DGEHM indicated "we are guaranteeing that salvadorans receive the exact quality and quantity of fuel, according to the fourth announced decrease".

In addition, during these inspections, fuel samples are taken for analysis in the portable laboratory to determine that they do not contain any type of particles that may alter the quality of gasoline, and damage vehicles.


Translated by: A.M