Wednesday, 30 August 2023 02:43

Free high speed internet enabled in public spaces in Panchimalco

Written by Leydin Sorto

On august 29th, the Secretary of Innovation, Daniel Méndez, led the installation of satellite internet in the municipal park of Panchimalco, in San Salvador; a service that will allow the population to access learning opportunities, personal development, municipal procedures, tourism activities, among others.

"They do not need a password, they simply look for the Conectando El Salvador network and connect directly, to be able to navigate with Starlink technology, which we make available to all of you with satellite internet. We want to bet on education, so we are going to ask everyone to enjoy it, take advantage of it and use it in the best possible way", said Méndez.

With the Conectando El Salvador program, the Government guarantees that the population can enjoy free access to high quality internet, in which approximately 500 devices will be able to stay connected at the same time.


This program is already being implemented in municipalities such as Santa Tecla, Ahuachapán, Atiquizaya, La Libertad and Sonsonate. Thanks to the support of the strategic partner: Phillip Morris International (PMI), who supports the project, within the framework of corporate social responsibility, with the investment in 100 public spaces (parks and municipal squares), which will have free satellite internet.

"It gives joy to see all the students who are here with us and who will be able to use their computers and tablets in a place like this (Panchimalco municipal square) in a safe environment, thanks to the coordinated strategies carried out together with the different government institutions", said Méndez.

The government is committed to innovation and digital transformation; therefore, it continues to work to ensure safe public spaces with satellite internet access.


Translated by: A.M