Tuesday, 28 May 2024 03:16

Davivienda opens call to participate in the seventh edition of its technological entrepreneurship contest "Espaciotec"

Written by Denis Muñoz
Davivienda opens call to participate in the seventh edition of its technological entrepreneurship contest "Espaciotec" Courtesy

For the seventh consecutive year, Davivienda El Salvador announced a new edition of its pioneer technological entrepreneurship contest called Espaciotec, which aims to open more opportunities for the successful development of projects and companies that have or plan to have a technological component in their business model.

With this new call, Davivienda invites salvadoran entrepreneurs to register from today until july 31, 2024, so they can participate to obtain the tools and knowledge to develop their projects; for example, on the development of the business plan, prototyping, testing and networking to launch it to the market.

In this new edition of Espaciotec, the participation of projects is expected through two categories: the first one on the "Development of Ideas", which will adopt projects that are in the idea stage. As a requirement, participants must have a business idea with a technological addition in its marketing, distribution, or payment process. In addition, as part of the requirements, they must be groups of 1 to 5 people with an annual income of US$0 to US$15 thousand.

For the second category, which consists of "Business Development", which will host early-stage companies, they must be companies with a solid and innovative business model, with structured finances and a well-defined customer segment. In addition, they must be businesses with a maximum of 50 employees and annual sales between US$7 thousand and a maximum of US$300 thousand.

The participation themes for both categories must be related to the environment, education, community support, Fintech, productivity, transportation, commerce, industry, leisure, tourism, gastronomy, agrotech, artificial intelligence, Big Data, internet of things, health, legal and smart cities, logistics, among others.

The participation themes for both categories must be related to environment, education, community support, Fintech, productivity, transportation, commerce, industry, leisure, tourism, gastronomy, agrotech, artificial intelligence, Big Data, internet of things, health, legal and smart cities, logistics, among others.


Entrepreneurs who meet the requirements will participate in a training process that includes master classes, fully live sessions with experts in the entrepreneurial field at national and international level and who will share their knowledge, tips, and experiences to strengthen and enhance the proposals of the participants.

In addition, the training process includes training through the Rokk3r platform, which is focused on the creation of exponential companies that has a complete ecosystem of education, consulting, execution. It partners with companies and entrepreneurs through its unique model to generate innovation and create companies from start to finish. And, through the Rokk3r Crea 10XU space, which is designed by and for entrepreneurs, where through proven methodologies and the accompaniment of international experts, everyone could form a community, train and achieve success.

"In Davivienda we are driven by innovation and as a sign of this, we seek to promote projects framed in this dimension. With initiatives such as Espaciotec Davivienda makes available not only financial products and services for entrepreneurs, but also invests in them, invests in their preparation, in their ideas and in their future, as we connect the creativity and talent of entrepreneurs with a network of allies, tools with which they can enhance these initiatives. We invite salvadorans to participate because with this contest they will receive the right advice to know the key to success for their ideas or their businesses, all to improve their value proposition and move forward with their projects", said Ricardo Velásquez, manager of innovation and strategic planning of Banco Davivienda Salvadoreño.


The training period will begin in august 2024 and will end with the "TEC Day", an event to be held on november 16 where the finalists present their project before a jury, who will determine the two winners, one for each category.

The prizes for both categories will be a Davivienda Product Bag that includes some of the following products that the winners can select according to the needs of their business: POS Solutions, MPOS, Digital Solutions, Payment Link, E-Commerce payment gateway or button, Preferential value collection packages, or attractive savings programs; and, an International Bootcamp for capital raising and growth.

During 2023 the winner in the Ideas Category was the project "Martian Capital" and in the Business Development Category was "Myneflow". Adding the six previous editions of Espaciotec, since 2018 Davivienda has impacted more than 1,000 ventures, has also trained more than 25,000 entrepreneurs, has offered more than 300 specialized trainings with more than 50 experts supporting and has obtained 12 winners of technological ventures.


Translated by: A.M