Thursday, 13 June 2024 03:27

Crecer boosts job opportunities at Talent Up SUMMIT 2024

Written by Alejandra García Ortiz
Crecer boosts job opportunities at Talent Up SUMMIT 2024 Alonso Zuniga / Executive Producer/ Photographer

Crecer, the expert company in financial solutions for savings and investment announced the Talent Up SUMMIT, a free training space for its affiliates that arises from its "Crecer con Empleo" initiative. The objective of this event is to provide tools for attendees to enhance their professional skills and increase their opportunities for hiring in new jobs or growth in their current workplaces.

The activity will be held on saturday, June 15 and will focus on the development of skills and capabilities in the new era of the labor market. With the participation of high-level speakers, attendees will learn the secrets and routes to apply and manage a scholarship, effective self-learning strategies and training platforms, and guidance to create a learning path from the most demanded skills in the labor market, among other valuable topics.


"Under our platform Crecer con Empleo, we have prepared a very special event that will give them practical tools from the experience of incredible professionals. In addition, they will find many interesting activities, such as expert advice from recruiters to share recommendations to face a job interview, and the support of designers to improve their profiles. We hope that attendees can make the most of it", said Gerardo Paredes, Commercial and Marketing director.

The event will include the participation of speakers of great trajectory in the salvadoran business world such as Elsy Hilton, founder of ADN Branding; Ricardo Chávez, Executive Director at Kodigo; Gabby Moreno, Talent Attraction Manager; Francisco Sifontes, Director at KEY Institute; and Andrés Escobar, Co-Founder of The Saas Company.

Imagen_de_WhatsApp_2024-06-12_a_las_10.14.54_adafa248.jpgOpportunities to continue growing

To expand opportunities for all Crecer members, Crecer continues to strengthen its job board "Crecer con Empleo" (, which seeks to help them build their financial well-being and achieve their financial goals. The platform offers free access to companies and applicants affiliated with Crecer, making it an attractive and accessible option for employers and applicants alike.

This Crecer initiative was launched 10 months ago and since then, it has established itself as a powerful tool for attracting talent, connecting job opportunities between companies and affiliates, especially among the young segment seeking to enter the salvadoran labor market. Since its inception, more than 29,000.


"Crecer con Empleo" represents the company's ongoing commitment to be an enabler and a close and timely ally for our clients, providing them not only with financial solutions, but also with tangible opportunities to build their present and future well-being. We are proud to share the evolution of this platform that demonstrates our commitment to accompany our clients in every moment of their lives", Paredes said.

Through the platform, Crecer has also been able to identify the soft skills most in demand among companies. These are: teamwork, service, desire for growth, responsibility, coordination capacity, communication, professionalism, leadership, efficiency, persuasion, among others. To enhance these skills, the company develops talks and visits to universities to bring these opportunities and the necessary knowledge to better profile themselves in the world of work.


To date, more than 900 companies have registered to offer their job opportunities in important economic sectors such as food, automotive, banking, services, commerce, communications, pharmaceuticals, industry and IT, which is why the company will continue to enhance the growth of its platform and invite its affiliates to take advantage of this valuable resource.




Translated by: A.M