The Asociación Salvadoreña de Administradoras de Fondos de Pensiones  (ASAFONDOS), expressed through a statement on its Twitter account that the profitability of Pension Funds is positive. According to official data from the Superintendencia del Sistema Financiero (SSF), the average of the last 36 months recorded to may 2022 was +3.89%.

The United States embassy, informs through its twitter account to salvadorans who wish to work in this North American country, they can apply for a legal and temporary visa.

COEXPORT's Executive Director, Silvia Cuellar, expressed this morning that the institution foresees a good outlook in exports by the end of 2022, if companies make their best effort maintaining the 16.7% growth rate.

From friday, july 15 until october 14, salvadorans will have an economic respite, due to a decrease in residential electricity tariffs, as confirmed by the Superintendencia General de Electricidad y Telecomunicaciones (SIGET).

The interim minister of Agriculture, Enrique Parada, informed in a morning interview that the Ministerio de Agricultura (MAG) has a coffee sector whose production is 1 million quintals of coffee, the highest in the last 4 years.

In 2020 the world changed. Many industries advanced decades of developments in just one year. E-commerce was one of them, which despite its consolidation in the Internet era, during the pandemic became the ally and "savior" of much of our daily consumer logistics.

According to the minister of Tourism, Morena Valdez, the country has received US$1,189 million in foreign exchange, this is equivalent to an increase of 43%, compared to 2019, prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The minister of Finance, Alejandro Zelaya, said in a press conference that, in the case of fuels, the salvadoran economy is saving around US$2.2 million per day, due to the subsidies implemented by the Central Government.

The minister of Finance, Alejandro Zelaya, informed in a morning interview that the country has an adequate level of tax collection, up to june 30, an additional US$585 million was obtained, above the amount collected by 2021, exceeding by 18% the projection made for this year.