Wednesday, 03 January 2024 03:35

Propane gas increase in early 2024

Written by Denis Muñoz
Propane gas increase in early 2024 Courtesy

The Dirección de Energía, Hidrocarburos y Minas has announced the prices of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) for the month of january 2024, showing a significant increase to december 2023 prices.



These increases range from US$0.20 to US$0.34 cents.

The prices according to the report of the Dirección de Energía, Hidrocarburos y Minas for the month of january are:

The 35 pound cylinder went from a subsidized price of US$7.12 to US$7.46, and the final consumer price went from US$15.16 to US$15.50, with an increase of US$0.34 cents.

The 25-pound cylinder went from a subsidized price of US$2.85 to US$3.09, and the end consumer price went from US$10.89 to US$11.13, an increase of US$0.24 cents.

The subsidized price of the 20-pound cylinder went from US$0.74 to US$0.94, and the end consumer price went from US$10.89 to US$11.13, with an increase of US$0.20 cents.

As for the 10 pound cylinder, the subsidized price remains at $0.00 cents.


With these new prices, the Dirección de Energía, Hidrocarburos y Minas assures that it will continue to inspect the compliance of the prices and the correct weight of the cylinders at the points of sale in order to take care of the pocket of all the population.



Translated by: A.M